FBHF' v1.11 (C) Copyright Simon Page 1996,1997 Overview DiskEase Commands Program Capabilities What is DiskEase ? DiskEase records details of the files (all or matching user criteria) found from any given path on a drive for later viewing, comparing and searching. DiskEase 'scans' the selected path recording file names and all details along with a description and the disk label and serial number. DiskEase has extensive options for file selection/ exclusion, options for scanning sub-directories, hidden/system directories and into ZIP files. n Once a scan is complete, it is stored and added to a catalogue of existing scans which can then be used for: 1. Viewing in a display similar to the way most file manager programs display the current contents of a drive. Selected parts of the scan can be printed out for reference. 2. Searching for files/directories using a file mask with wildcard characters and by date, time, attributes etc.. The searching can be of a specific scan, scans of a specific drive letter, scans of a certain type of drive or all scans. The results can be viewed or printed. 3. Comparing with each other or with a current disk/path. The comparing function can find all differences or selected types of change such as time, size, attributes, new or deleted. The results can be viewed, printed and stored. Stored comparisons can be re-opened and used to remove unwanted NEW files from disks. DiskEase is ideal for: a 1. Cataloguing removable media such as CD ROMs so that useful files can be located easily. 2. Removing files added by new programs. Obviously DiskEase can do nothing about files that have been modified or deleted but it enables selected removal of new files and details of the other changes. 3. Finding misplaced files on non-removable media without using traditional tools that have to keep physically checking a disk for every search you make which can be very time consuming especially on slow/network drives. In comparison DiskEase can check thousands of files per second for your search criteria. 4. Comparing directories/disks enabling file differences (size, attributes, date, time, new, deleted) and directory structure changes to be easily identified. DiskEase is written so that most tasks can be carried out without having to close other viewing, searching, etc windows. Additionally, once a search is started it is carried out in the 'background' enabling multiple searches to be in progress at the same time or using other parts of the program while the search is in progress. Menu Commands Available menus: File Print Printer Setup Execute Command DOS Shell Exit Last Viewed Items Scans New View Compare Search Rebuild Catalogue Delete scans Comparisons View/Edit Undo additions Options Toggle 80/132 column Use Use Use Setup column Screen saver Directories Mouse Colors Scan views Scanning Save Options Re-load Options Window Tile Cascade Close Size/Move Zoom Next Previous Close List Help Contents Context Sensitive About Program Capabilities Scans : Maximum of 2,147,483,648 files/dirs in total. Maximum of 16,380 files per directory. Maximum path length of 127 characters as per DOS limit. Maximum of 126 levels of directories, restricted by current path length to 62. Catalogue : Maximum of 16,380 scans, but the current file naming system limits this to 10,000. Comparisons : Maximum of 16,380 differences. Searches : Maximum of 16,380 matches. When viewing scans, only the directories visible, and all files in the current directory are actually read into RAM. The catalogue file is accessed directly from disk but has a set number of entries cached in RAM for extra speed. However comparison and search results are held entirely in RAM. This means that in the real mode version of DiskEase the number of differences or matches found may be limited by the amount of RAM available to normal DOS programs. q During the scanning of disks, DiskEase will use RAM, EMS (real mode version only) or disk files to store/sort the temporary data. DiskEase will always use the fastest available resource during such operations. Therefore, in the real mode version the time taken to complete the scanning and sorting will vary depending on the RAM available/already used by the program. File Menu The File menu has options for printing, configuring printers, shelling to DOS and exiting the program. V Print Printer Setup Execute Command DOS Shell Exit Last Viewed Items Scan Menu The Scan menu provides commands for creating, viewing, comparing, searching and deleting scans. There is also a rebuild option that will make a new catalogue file (to replace the current one) by checking the data directory for valid scan files. I New View Compare Search Rebuild Catalogue Delete scans Comparison Menu The Comparison menu provides commands for viewing/editing a saved comparison and for using a saved comparison to remove unwanted files. View/Edit Undo additions Options Menu The options menu provides commands for changing the screen font, number of lines, general settings for the program and for re-loading/saving the configuration file. Toggle 80/132 column Use Use Use Setup column Screen saver Directories Mouse Colors Scan views Scanning Save Options Re-load Options Window Menu The Window menu provides commands for size, moving, closing and selecting windows. I Tile Cascade Close Size/Move Zoom Next Previous Close List Help Menu The Help menu provides access to the online help, context sensitive help and an about box. % Contents Context Sensitive About Print The print command will print the contents of the current window if applicable. Before actual printing the Select Output Destination dialog box gives you a chance to cancel or select your required output destination. Printer Setup The printer configuration dialog enables up to 5 printers to be configured for use with the program. By default the program starts with a configuration for an Epson FX style printer and a HP Laser printer. These can be removed or modified if required. Modify Printer Dialog Execute DOS command The Execute Dos Command dialog enables a standard DOS command to be typed in which will then be executed in a DOS shell. Once the command has executed, press any key to return to DiskEase. Shell DOS Shell With the DOS Shell command, you can leave the program temporarily to perform a DOS command or run another program. 5 To return to DiskEase, type EXIT at the DOS prompt. Execute Command Exit (Alt-X) The Exit command terminates this program. Last Viewed Items Up to the last 5 scan views or comparison files that were viewed are added to the file menu. Selecting one will automatically re-open the file in the correct type of window. New Scan The New Scan command will show the Select Drive dialog box and if a drive is chosen will then show the Scan Disk dialog box. View Scan The View Scan command will show the Select Scan dialog box and if a scan is chosen will then show the a Scan window Compare Scans The Compare Scans dialog box enables two existing scans or a scan and a current disk to be compared. Click on the Select buttons or their adjacent text line to bring up the Select Scan dialog box or if a drive is required the Select Drive dialog box. / The selection can be changed by re-selecting. Then choose what differences you require to be found. By default all differences are found. Then click on Start to proceed with the comparison. { The Options button (only visible when Scan to Disk comparing is selected) causes the Scanning Options dialog box to show. Search Scans The Search Criteria dialog box enables a search of all or specific type of scan to be searched for a specific file/directory or files and directories meeting the required criteria. As the Search radio button selection is changed a further selection line will sometimes appear (with/without a Select button) depending on the choice. If the line has a Select button, click on that or the line to bring either the Select Scan dialog box or if a drive type is required the Select Type dialog box. If a drive letter is required, enter that directly into the input line. m The default '*.*' wild card filename can be left or replaced with any specific or other wild card filename. For the DATE and TIME entries, select from 'ANY, ON/AFTER, UP TO, ON' and enter the required date or time for entries other than any. ; Then select what attributes the file/directory must have: \ [?] = Does not matter [X] = Must have this attribute [ ] = Must NOT have this attribute Then select Find First to start searching, but to stop at each match or Find All to find all matches (can be interrupted). 5 The results will be shown in a Search Scans window. Rebuild Catalogue The Rebuild Catalogue option will show an information dialog box and if accepted will show the Rebuild Catalogue Options dialog box. This is used to make a new catalogue file (to replace the current one) by checking the data directory for valid scan files. Delete Scan The Delete Scan dialog box allows scans to be deleted from the catalogue and from disk. Select a scan with the mouse or keyboard and either double click or select DELETE. F The sort order can be changed by selecting one of the radio buttons. View/Edit The View/Edit comparison command opens a Select Comparison File dialog box and allows a comparison file to be selected. It then opens a Comparison Results window with the selected comparison in. Undo Additions The Undo Additions command show the Undo Additions window and shows a Select Comparison File dialog box to allow a comparison file to be selected for it. Toggle 80/132 column mode The Toggle 80/132 column mode command toggles the standard EGA/VGA mode with the 132 column mode that has been entered in the Setup column mode dialog box. If a number has not been entered and tested this option will not be available. 8x16, 8x14 8x8 Font Commands This Use 8x16, 8x14 and 8x8 Font commands will change to the font required. Normal VGA cards will be able to use all three fonts. If you are using a 132 column mode, the font commands may work differently depending on the size of font your graphics card uses in that 132 column mode. Setup column mode Setup 132 Column mode The Setup 132 column mode number dialog box allows a number (1-99) to be entered and tested. Once a valid number is entered you can perform a 5 second test by selecting Test. To abort the test early just press ESC. If the mode worked correctly select OK. f In most cases no harm will occur by testing a mode that your graphics card does not support however: NO RESPONSIBILITY IS ACCEPTED BY THE AUTHOR FOR ANY DAMAGE THAT MAY OCCUR TO YOUR COMPUTER & MONITOR AS A RESULT OF USING THIS PROGRAM. To find out which number to use, please consult your graphics card manual and ideally select a 132x25 or 132x45 mode. VESA 132 column modes (number > 255) are not supported. Mouse Options dialog box This dialog box consists of one check box, one slider bar, and the standard buttons OK and Cancel. Fast Medium Slow The Mouse Double Click slider bar adjusts the double-click speed of your mouse. ^ [X] Reverse Mouse Buttons Reverse Mouse Buttons makes the right mouse button take on the normal functions of the left--and vice versa. Screen Saver The Screen Saver dialog box enables configuration of the screen saver: & Select whether it is enabled or not. . Enter a time before it activates in seconds. K Enter a time between redraws of the saver message box in 1/100ths second. K Changes do not take effect until you close the dialog box by choosing OK. Directories The Directories dialog box enables a path to be entered where all scans and the catalogue file are stored. Other files (comparisons, printing to file) can be stored wherever required. 4 Select browse to browse for an existing directory. 6 Browse Dialog Missing Catalogue Warning Dialog Colors The Colors dialog box enables the colors for the program. It consists of two list boxes, a text display area, and one of the following: On color and black-and-white systems, it also contains two color palettes. On monochrome systems, it contains a set of radio buttons instead of the palettes. This dialog box is where you can change the colors of different parts of this program. Group Desktop - Menus Dialogs boxes Windows Scan viewers Screen saver Help The Group list box contains the names of the different regions of the program that you can customise. L Item Color - When you select a group from the Group list, the Item list box displays the names of the different views in that region. Foreground Background On color and black-and-white systems, you use the Foreground and Background palettes to modify colors. Colors ) Mono low ( ) Mono high ( ) Mono underscore ( ) Mono inverse On monochrome systems, you use the Colors set of radio buttons systems to modify the character attributes. Q Text Text Text Text Text Text On all systems, the display text (above the Help button) shows the current color or attribute settings. a Changes do not take effect on the desktop until you close the Colors dialog box by choosing OK. Scan Views The scan views dialog sets the default options for a scan viewer window when it is opened. Once a scan view window is opened its options can be changed by using its local menu. Options are available for: C Sorting files by: Name, Extension, Date, Size, Attributes Displaying files names and any of: Size, Date, Attributes Sorting files: Ascending/Descending order Showing directory names in : UPPER/lower case Showing file names in : UPPER/lower case Scan Scanning The scanning options dialog sets the options to be used when a new scan is created. To change to between the File Options and Dir/Zip Options 'pages' click on the required tab or use the shortcut letter. y The Reset To Default button will reset all criteria so that a scan will use the same criteria as used by DiskEase v1.0x FILE OPTIONS: ============= Inclusion Masks: { Enter one or more (wildcard) file specifications. Files will be included in the scan if they match any of the file masks. Exclusion Masks: } Enter one or more (wildcard) file specifications. Files will be excluded from the scan if they match any of the file masks. File Time/Date: For the DATE and TIME entries, select from 'ANY, ON/AFTER, UP TO, ON' and enter the required date or time for entries other than any. Attributes: - Select what attributes the files must have: \ [?] = Does not matter [X] = Must have this attribute [ ] = Must NOT have this attribute DIR/ZIP OPTIONS: ================ Directory Options: t Scan sub-directories: if selected DiskEase will recurse into all sub-directories from the selected starting point. X Scan hidden directories: if selected DiskEase will scan hidden and system directories. Store empty directories: if selected DiskEase will store a directory even if it is empty (really empty of having no files that pass the specified criteria). Zip File Options: Scan into zip files: if selected DiskEase will open files ending with a .ZIP extension and if a valid ZIP files will read the list of files contained in it. The files will be shown in the Scan window as files within a directory that has the name of the zip file. P Use stored directories: if Selected DiskEase will use any path information stored in a zip file to recreate the original directory structure and store this in the scan. When viewed in the Scan window the files within the zip file will be seen in their appropriate directories off of a directory that has the name of the zip file. Apply file criteria: if selected DiskEase will apply the file criteria specified on the File Options page to files contained within a zip file. Save/Re-load Options The options (all settings and last viewed list on the file menu) are only saved by the SAVE option or after setting a new data directory (Directories). z Use Re-Load to replace the current configuration with the last one that was saved. This is useful to restore colors etc. If you wish to go back to the programs default configuration simply delete the DISKEASE.CFG file. Then run the program and set the data path again when prompted. Window|Size/Move (Ctrl-F5) Choose this command to change the size or position of the active window. Size If you press Shift while you use the arrow keys, you can change the size of the active window. Once you've adjusted its size or position, press Enter. Q If a window has a Resize corner, you can drag that corner to resize the window. Move When you choose Window Size/Move, the active window moves in response to the arrow keys. Once you've moved the window to where you want it, press Enter. F You can also move a window by dragging its title bar with the mouse. Window|Zoom (F5) Choose Zoom to resize the active window to the maximum size. If the window is already zoomed, you can choose this command to restore it to its previous size. { You can also double-click anywhere on the window's title bar (except where an icon appears) to zoom or unzoom the window. Window|Tile Choose Window Tile to tile all file viewers on the desktop. L Tiled Windows Window Cascade Choose Window Cascade to stack all file viewers on the desktop. A Cascaded Windows Window|Next Choose Next to cycle forwards through the windows on the desktop. Window|Close (Alt-F3) Choose Close to close the active window. O You can also click the Close box in the upper right corner to close a window. Window|Close All Choose Close all to remove all windows (that can be closed) from the desktop. Window|Previous Choose Previous to cycle backwards through the windows on the desktop. Window|List The Open Window List window shows all of the windows that are open on the screen. A window can be selected with the mouse or keyboard for selecting. If this window is not the previously top most window it will be made so. Help|Contents Opens the help file at its main index. Help|Context Sensitive Opens the help file at text applicable to the currently active window (if available). Help|About Box The About Box dialog gives program copyright and version information. Select Output Destination Dialog Box This dialog box allows the selection of any one of the configured printers or a file (with or without codes for a selected printer) to be chosen as the output destination. H Choose between Printer, File (ASCII text) or File (with printer codes) N Select the printer (where applicable) to use, and then select OK to proceed. Printer Configuration Dialog Printer Error Dialog Box The printer error dialog box displays when a problem has occurred during printing. Either rectify the problem and select Retry or select Cancel. Printer Codes Dialog Box The Printer Codes dialog box enables codes to be set for each individual printer. To change to another 'page' of codes click on the required tab or use the shortcut letter. B For each item enter the codes required. Codes can be entered as: A 1. Single ASCII characters in single/double quote, eg. 'A',"W" 2. Hex values prefixed with $, eg. $4F,$7e 3. Decimal value, eg. 240,65 All values must be separated with commas. Modify Printer Dialog Box The Modify Printer dialog box allows the modification of the name for the printer, its port (LPT1, LPT2 or LPT3) and its time out delay. w If the printer (in the mode you will be using it) has box drawing characters indicate this by checking the check box. x The codes used for the printer can also be set by selecting the Set Codes button to show the Printer Codes dialog box. Scan Disk Dialog Box The Scan Disk dialog box performs the actual 'scanning' of a disk. l The Change Drive button selects a drive (or changes the current choice) using the Select Drive dialog box. n The Change Media button resets the information and re-checks the serial number and volume title of the disk. 7 The Scan Disk button starts (and stops) the scanning. Once a scan is completed it can be given a description and then saved. During the saving process the files and directories are sorted into a full scan file and then saved and added to the catalogue file. D The Options button causes the Scanning Options dialog box to show. Select Scan Dialog Box The Select Scan dialog box allows scans to be selected from the catalogue and from disk. Select a scan with the mouse or keyboard and either double click or select Ok to proceed. F The sort order can be changed by selecting one of the radio buttons. Missing Catalogue Warning Dialog Box The Missing Catalogue Warning dialog box shows: 1. During program start up if a catalogue file cannot be found in the path specified (if any) in the configuration file. 2. When changing the path to the catalogue file using the Directories option and the new path does not contain a catalogue file and you have chosen not to create a new one. Select Setup Default to create a sub-directory called DATA (if it does not exist) off of the directory that DiskEase is in and create an empty catalogue file. This option should be selected when DiskEase is run for the first time. + Select Exit Program to exit the program ! @ Select Set Data Path to set a path to an existing directory. If that directory contains a catalogue file it will be opened, otherwise you will be given the option to create an empty catalogue file. If there are scans in that directory they can be added to a new catalogue file using the Rebuild Catalogue menu command. Rebuild Catalogue Options Dialog The Rebuild Catalogue Options dialog box sets the options to be used for the rebuild. You can choose whether to: b Delete corrupt scans Complete a thorough check of each scan Be prompted before each action Once chosen, select Start Rebuild to continue. The status will be displayed in the Rebuild Catalogue Progress dialog. Rebuild Catalogue Progress Dialog The Rebuild Catalogue Progress dialog shows the current status as the data directory is scanned for valid disk scan files. Only valid scan files (with the *.dsk extension) are added to the new catalogue. The old catalogue is not replaced until the rebuilding is finished and the Save button selected. Search Scans Dialog Box The Search Scans dialog box shows the progress and results of a search. H The Stop/Continue button can be used when applicable during searching. f The list can be printed by selecting Print which will show the Select Output Destination dialog box. f Selecting view will open a Scan Windows window containing the selected file and show that file. Undo Additions Dialog Box The Undo Additions dialog box enables a scan comparison to be used to remove unwanted added files from disk. ] Click on the Select button to change/open a comparison file via the Select Scan dialog box. Details of the scans that produced the list can be seen by selecting More Info to show a Compared Scans Information dialog box. ^ The difference list can be modified by selecting Modify to show a Comparison Results Window. t Select whether to have a report, what to delete and whether to be requested for confirmation before each deletion. k Select Undo to proceed with removing the new files. The progress will be shown in an Undo Progress Dialog Undo Progress Dialog Box The Undo Progress dialog box shows how much of the removal has been completed and shows a confirmation box depending on the options set in the Undo Additions Dialog Box. / The process can be stopped by selecting Stop. Scan View Windows Scan view windows display a scan in a file manager style format. The mouse or keyboard can be used to move around within the file or directory list window. 5 The standard cursor keys can be used in both lists: Page Up : Go up one page Page Down : Go down one page Home : Go to the start of the line End : Go to the end of the line Ctrl+Page Up : Go to first item Ctrl+Page Down: Go to last item Additionally, in the directory list: z * : Expand all directories from the current one + : Expand current directory only - : Close current directory only A local menu is available to provide: r Printouts via the Print Options dialog box File display options via the File Display Options dialog box Print Scan Options Dialog The Print Scan Options dialog box allows printouts of: 5 1. The list of all files in the current directory 2. The list of all directories as currently expanded 3. The list of files and dirs. (as currently expanded) with the option (for 1 or 2) of printing only those items that are currently visible File Display Options Dialog The File Display Options dialog sets the details that are displayed about each file: - Name and any of: Size, Date, Attributes Select Disk Type Dialog The Select Scan Dialog Box show a list of the available disk types. Select the one required and double click or select OK to continue. Select Drive Dialog The Select Scan dialog box show a list of the available disk drives. Select the one required and double click or select OK to continue. Comparison Results Window The Comparison Results window shows the differences between two scans or a scan and a disk. The list can be saved by selecting Save, printed by selecting Print. Details of the scans that produced the list can be seen by selecting Info to show a Compared Scans Information dialog box. Selecting Delete will delete the currently selected difference. If the SHIFT key is pressed when selecting a second difference (with either mouse or keyboard) all of the differences between will also be selected. If the CTRL key is pressed when selecting a second difference (with either mouse or keyboard) the second differences will be selected without cancelling the first selection. V Once multiple selections have been made, they can be deleted as by selecting Delete. ! Comparison Dialog Compared Scans Information The Compared Scans Information dialog box shows summary information about the two scans that were used to provide the difference list. Comparison Results Window Save Comparison File Dialog Box The Save Comparison File dialog box contains an input box, a file information panel, the standard button, one other action button, plus a history list that's attached to the name line. p Name The Name input box is where you enter the name of the file to save, or the file-name mask to use as a filter for the Files list box (for example, *.*). Files FILE0001.DSU FILE0009.DSU FILE0002.DSU FILE0010.DSU FILE0003.DSU FILE0011.DSU FILE0004.DSU FILE0012.DSU FILE0005.DSU .. FILE0006.DSU \ADIRECT FILE0007.DSU \ANOTHER FILE0008.DSU The Files list box lists the names of files in the current directory that match the file-name mask in the Name input box, plus the parent directory and all subdirectories. C:\UTILS\DISKEASE\DATA\*.DSU PROGCHGE.DSU 45123 May 14,1996 12:00pm The File information panel shows the path name, file name, date, time, and size of the selected file. Select Comparision File Dialog Box The Select Comparison File dialog box contains an input box, a file information panel, the standard button, one other action button, plus a history list that's attached to the name line. p Name The Name input box is where you enter the name of the file to load, or the file-name mask to use as a filter for the Files list box (for example, *.*). Files FILE0001.DSU FILE0009.DSU FILE0002.DSU FILE0010.DSU FILE0003.DSU FILE0011.DSU FILE0004.DSU FILE0012.DSU FILE0005.DSU .. FILE0006.DSU \ADIRECT FILE0007.DSU \ANOTHER FILE0008.DSU The Files list box lists the names of files in the current directory that match the file-name mask in the Name input box, plus the parent directory and all subdirectories. C:\UTILS\DISKEASE\DATA\*.DSU PROGCHGE.DSU 45123 May 14,1996 12:00pm The File information panel shows the path name, file name, date, time, and size of the selected file. Browse Directory dialog box The Browse Directory dialog box consists of an input box, a list box, the standard OK and Help buttons, and one other (Set Dir). | Directory Name The Directory Name input box is where you type in the path of the new directory. Directory Tree Drives C:\ UTILS DISKEASE The Directory Tree list box enables you to navigate directories by using the selecting bar and pressing Enter. If you're using the keyboard, press Enter to make the selected directory be the current directory, then choose OK or press Esc to exit the dialog box. . [Set dir] The Set dir button changes the current directory once you've selected or typed in a directory name.